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      One Acapulco Diamante

      Boulevard de las Naciones Num 10, UH, ACAPULCO

      Taste a delicious fish to the size, go to a wedding on the beach, admire the scenery of one of the most beautiful bays in the world or be part of an exciting nightlife. We are sure you will find many reasons to disconnect from your day to day and visit Acapulco, and now we give you one more reason: to enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of One Acapulco Diamante. The hotel is located near the Mundo Imperial Forum, five minutes from the airport and 15 minutes from Costera Miguel Aleman. Here you can escape from everything to rest, work or have fun in comfortable and functional spaces, where you can also have a good and free of charge breakfast, and discover one or another surprise; Of course, without forgetting what is around you to know the destination better.

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